2024 Chafed Butt Challenge Update

2024 Chafed Butt Challenge Update

The 2024 Wild Prairie HOG Chapter Chafed Butt Challenge started on Saturday May 4th and ends on Monday September 30th at midnight. We will award prizes at the October 10, 2024 HOG Chapter meeting. Let's have a great riding season and it will be great seeing your pictures and your travels!

The Chafed Butt Challenge currently stands at 24 participants and 170 submissions. Congratulations to the 6 members who have visited all 11 locations! If you haven't started, why not start now? If you've only visited a couple locations, why not plan to visit a couple more?. The greater the participation, the greater the awards at the October HOG meeting!

Please see 2024 WPHC Activities Book for official locations and rules for participation.

To enter, email a photo of you, your bike, AND the 2024 CBC flyer at one of the listed locations in the background to [email protected] before midnight 9/30/24 for an entry into the drawing. Inlcude your name and phone number with your submission(s). One location per person per entry.

Please let us know ASAP at [email protected] if there are any discrepancies in the spreadsheet with what you've submitted.

View the details of the 2024 CBC destinations

View the current 2024 CBC pictures

Prewtho's picture

Posted by Prewtho